Hyperaldosteronism (aldosteronism)
Hyperaldrenalism (Cushing Syndrome)
Hypoadrenalism (Addison's Disease)
Adrenogenital Syndrome
Hyperaldosteronism (Aldosteronism)
A) Primary Aldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)
- due to Tumor of Zona Glomerulosa Cells leads to secretion
of large amounts of aldosterone
B) Secondary Aldosteronism
- Stimulation of renin-angiotensin system (eg heart failure &
renal failure)
- Decreased degradation of aldosterone by liver ( eg Hepatic
- Cardiovascular - Hypertension due to Na retention
- Blood
- Increase plasma [Na] - leads to increase blood volume
- Decrease plasma [K] - hypokalamia
- Excess Hydrogen secretion - Alkalosis
Hyperaldrenalism (Cushing's Syndrome) - due to increase circulating levels of glucocorticoids / increased androgen or estrogen levels
A) Primary (ACTH-independent)
- due to adrenal adenoma / carcinoma
B) Secondary (ACTH dependent)
- due to ecxcess secretion at CRH / pituitary tumor
- Metabolic changes
- Increased BMR
- Fat Metabolism
- Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism
- Skin changes
- development of prple Stria
- In Secondary Cushing's Syndrome, there will be Skin pigmentation & Hirsutism
- Cardiovascular Changes
- hypertension
- Edema & Increased Capillary Fragility
- Blood Changes
- Mild polycythemia
- Mild Lymphopenia
- Disturbance of Reproductive Functions
- Amenorrhea (Irregular Menstruation in Females)
- Impotence (in Males)
Hypoadrenalism ( Addison's Disease)
- failure/destruction of adrenal cortex due to :
a) Autoimmune disease
b) T.B
- Metaboilic Changes ( due to cortisol deficiency)
- Decreased BMR
- Hypoglycemia
- Failure of kidney diuresis
- weakness of skeletal muscle
- Manifestation due to aldosterone deficiency
- Excessive loss of Na in urine cause hypovolemia & hypotension
- H retention lead to acidosis
- hyperkalemia
- Pigmentation of the skin & mucous membranes
- caused by direct action of ACTH on melanocytes
- More prominent in
- light expose areas (eg face , front of neck, back of hands)
- Pressure points ( eg Back of trunk, elbow, front of knee)
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- anorexia, nausea,vomiting,diarrhea
- Addisonian crisis
- Patient are exposed to stress ( eg trauma, illness, surgery), thus patient can't tolerate with it, and falls severely ill, weakened & shocked
- Treatment
- Saline infusion
- High doses of cortisol & aldosterone
- Eliminate the stress
Adrenogenital Syndrome
- Tumour of adrenal cortex that secretes excessive amounts of androgens
- In females
- Virilism (Adult)
- appearance of male secondary sex characters
- Characterized by :
- hirsutism
- deepness of voice
- amenorrhea
- hypertrrophy of clitoris with atrophy of external genitalia
- Pseudo-Hermaphroditism (before Puberty)
- born with genetic constitution and gonads of females butt with external genitalia of males
- signs of virilism develop later in life
- In Males
- Precocious pseudo-puberty( males before Puberty)
- early development of male secondary sex characteristic without testicular growth
- No affect (Adult)
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