Btw.. Talking about zikrullah, i remembered 1 day, i went to my fav "kedai runcit" nearby my home.. I call the owner of dat kedai as "baba".. i like him so much bcoz dia jual barang2 xambik bnyk untung..quit cheap..malaysian here use to love baba so much!! hahaha..
He came to me and ask "did u zikir to Allah??" (in arabic opcoz la...!! baba xpandai speaking sgt.. syuwaiyyah bass[sikit2 je boleh],) no wat???? Tergamam jugak lah dat time.. Then cepat2 zikir.. Senyum jela kat baba.. "Aiwah wa In shaa Allah , baba" he told me to zikrullah kittir, doa'a kittir (zikir alot, pray to Allah alot) ehehehe..
so touched! Not bcoz of baba..but Allah.. He knew that i was lagha, always playing around, konon busy with my medic stuff till i forget to zikr, forget to put doa'a a lot..hmmm..Then He sent me a man, to remind me , to advice what should i do.. Don't u think it was awesome?? reallly GREAT!!! Subhanallah...
we tho we're sooooo busy!! When we've problem, we search for Him, but when we're happy did we?? Sometime we use to forget rite?? aghhhh...so bad u.... kenapalah kita selalu lupa eyk.. we shouldn't let this happen again. Who create us? Who help us? Who ease our works? Who gv u preddy/ensem face tu?? who?? uhu.. Zikir kittir ya!!
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