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Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
suka kpd CABARAN & sesuatu yang baru

Sunday, August 12, 2012

balik raya

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Apa khabar iman sahabat2 sekalian? Macam mana progress Ramadhan? semoga kita berterusan mentarbiyah diri sepanjang bulan yang penuh barakah ini, dan membawa tarbiyah Ramdhan ke bulan2 lain. OK? Lepas subuh tadi, sempat dengar perkongsian from Dato' Fadhilah Kamsah. Tetiba rasa tertikam sampai ke tulang dengan perkongsian time tuh. Kenapa? Sebenarnya baru jer plan nak next year xnak balik raya. Kononya nak spent masa ngn kawan2, nak sama2 gi cari ilmu banyak2, tapi nampaknya hajat tu macam kena renung & fikir banyak2 kali.. Kata Dato' , Baliklah beraya.. sementara mak ayah ada ni.. Kalau dah xda,kita plak nyesal, sbb dulu xbalik raya jumpa dorg.. Hmm, agak lah.. so true.. we tho' apa yang kita dah buat ni dah betul, tapi kena lah tanya penasihat terbaik aka kaunselor the best kita - mak ayah they knew better syg!! So, selagi sempat, selagi mereka masih ada, i will try my best to be with 'em.. Insya Allah.. Doakan saya yer agar dipermudahkan urusan & murah rezeki. Insya Allah kita sama2 doa..Berbaktilah kepada ibu bapa selagi mereka masih ada. Insya Allah kheir :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hepatitis C

Suddenly miss my lectures.. gonna share something bout Hepatitis C.. Its common occur to Egyptian. Infact, there's lot of Egyptian infected to Liver Disease. bcoz of this common disease, the gov need to open special hospital for 'liver disease treatment'. "dun remember the place"..

Hepatitis C infection usually caused by HCV ( hepatitis C Virus).
infected to whom?
usually to person on long-term kidney dialysis, regular contact with blood (healthcare worker - very important here, plz, fren, wear your glove all the time when u with ur patients..ok?)& street drugs -sharing needles..

very pathetic when this HC have no symptoms until cirrhosis develop. Critical u noe..

we use Enzyme-linked immuno assay,EIA to detect hepatitis antibody, Hepatitis C RNA assay to measure viral load, genetic testing (measure type of genotype)- to choose treatment. Usually genotype 1 hardest to treat - most common to American &few test like Albumin level test, liver function test & prothrombin test.

Treatment is done to remove virus and reduce the risk of cirrhosis & liver cancer..

so the best way, obeys all precaution, prac healthy life style, take good food, do exercise & don't forget to pray (doaa) to Allah. Put Faith on Allah. Doaa banyak-banyak. Insya Allah. Bi Iznillah