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Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
suka kpd CABARAN & sesuatu yang baru

Friday, November 23, 2012

An awe-inspiring day

Alhamdulillah, dengan rahmat Allah, i manage to get an osem usrah. Sebab selama ni selalu duk berharap agar dapat usrah yang selalu zupzup menggoncos hati nih. well, budak nakal kan. nak la usrah kental sket.At least bila ada usrah, terdidik sikit. Kurang lah nakal beberapa percent. bajet! kurang ker~ haha

Well, today 1st usrah with my new naqibah. nama? Ms J..hahaha.. mana bleh expose identiti kat! utk batch i, senior shuffle kan usrah kitaorg..Rombakan yang sangat besar lah kot. maybe bcoz last year, dalam 1 usrah, terlalu ramai kot. This year, max 7 org..just swit :)

Dapat ahli usrah baru,naqibah baru,so new 'smell' la! haha..*bahasa apa ntah ni* semangat barulah pagi tadi.. jalan nyoxnyox ke rumah akhawat sorang2..Naqibah we all came from other muhafazah (kawasan lain), so there are many interesting things to share 

1st takruf session - Alhamdulillah, Allah lancarkan semua hari ni. Masuk bab tafsir, rasa cam lembik nak jatuh. Sebab Allah hantaq love letter melalui ayat al-quran yang dibaca hari ni. Meresap zpppppp dalam hati tu.. Bila sampai kat ayat MaRAN dari ALLAH..Rasa ketar je, takut sangat. rasa mcm hati kena hiris halusssss ajer. kiding!
hari ni tadabur surah at-Tariq & at-Takassur.

Surah at-Tariq
I swear by the heaven and the comer by night,
And what will make you know what the comer by night is?
The star of piercing brightness,
There is not a soul but over it is a keeper,
so let man consider of what he is created,
He is created of water pouring forth,
coming from between the back and ribs,
Most surely He is able to return him (to life),
On the day when hidden things shall be made manifest,
He shall have neither strength nor helper,
I swear by the raining heavens,
And the earth splitting (with plants)
Most surely it is a decisive word,
And it is no joke,
Surely they will make a scheme,
And I (too) will make a scheme
So grant the unbelievers a respite:let them alone for a while.

Time dalam halaqah tadi, i guna tafsir melayu, bila balik bila, baca tafsir english, rasa macam lagi best plak  maksud dia. macam makin faham. Insya Allah. Try la cuba nanti. Compare2 kan.

I nak share pengisian dari surah at-takathur sebenarnya. Nanti u olls check tafsir okeyh? *homework* ngehehe..

dalam ayat ni, Allah remind us jangan riak. Kita semua tahu kan, riak tu xbagus, infact Allah pun sangat tak suka pada org yang riak. Selak balik surah ni, Allah remind, warning 3x, dengan ayat yang sama. (nak tahu? bukak tafsir sendiri, jangan malas :) baca2)

Riak ni macam-macam. Ada yang sedar, ada yang kita tak sedar. Ada orang riak sebab dia kaya, harta banyak xhabis nak makan, ada orang riak sebab dia cantik, sebab pandai, rasa banyak ilmu, atau rasa dia baik/alim..hmm..macam-macam ada!

tapi satu jelah kita nak kena tahu, yang hati ni kena betul-betul jaga. Sebab susah sangat nak jaga hati ni. Kadang-kadang boleh tunggang tebalik pon ada. ngehehe..Adakala kita tak perasan pon yang kita riak. *istighfar banyak-banyak*

ada orang, Allah uji ngan kemewahan, ada orang, Allah uji dengan musibah bertubi-tubi. Tapi jangan lah bila dah senang, kita lalai, lupa Allah. 

so let man consider of what he is created,
He is created of water pouring forth,
coming from between the back and ribs,
(surah at-Tariq:5-7)

Dari surah ni, Allah remind darimana kita datang kan? Dari airmani je pon. So, mana mungkin kita nak sombong dengan Allah? Sape kita? hebat sangat ker? Sedangkan Allah itu Maha Kuasa, Allah lebih Mengetahui segala-galanya. 

Kadangkala kita di atas, adakalanya di bawah. Tapi yang penting, untuk berubah, kena lah selalu stick di jalan tarbiyyah ni. Biar ada orang guide hati kita. kan? 

Mungkin kita pernah je bangga dengan apa yang kita ada, skill yang Allah bagi kat kita. Gunakan apa yang kita ada pada jalan yang betul ah. Not to show off. Biar kita hidup, bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. And before go to bed, always muhasabah la atas apa yang kita lakukan pada hari tu...

In shaa Allah, moga Allah permudahkan hidup kita. Moga mendapat rahmat darinya. Senyum sokmo :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Disturbance of Suprarenal Cortex

Hyperaldosteronism (aldosteronism)
Hyperaldrenalism (Cushing Syndrome)
Hypoadrenalism (Addison's Disease)
Adrenogenital Syndrome

Hyperaldosteronism (Aldosteronism)

    A) Primary Aldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)
          - due to Tumor of Zona Glomerulosa Cells leads to secretion  
            of large amounts of aldosterone

    B) Secondary Aldosteronism
          - Stimulation of renin-angiotensin system (eg heart failure & 
             renal failure)
          - Decreased degradation of aldosterone by liver ( eg Hepatic 

  1. Cardiovascular - Hypertension due to Na retention
  2. Blood 
    • Increase plasma [Na] - leads to increase blood volume
    • Decrease plasma [K] - hypokalamia
    • Excess Hydrogen secretion - Alkalosis

Hyperaldrenalism (Cushing's Syndrome) - due to increase circulating levels of glucocorticoids / increased androgen or estrogen levels
     A) Primary (ACTH-independent)
            - due to adrenal adenoma / carcinoma

     B) Secondary  (ACTH dependent)
           - due to ecxcess secretion at CRH / pituitary tumor

  1. Metabolic changes 
    • Increased BMR
    • Fat Metabolism
    • Carbohydrate Metabolism
    • Protein Metabolism
  2. Skin changes
    • development of prple Stria
    • In Secondary Cushing's Syndrome, there will be Skin pigmentation & Hirsutism
  3. Cardiovascular Changes
    • hypertension
    • Edema & Increased Capillary Fragility
  4. Blood Changes
    • Mild polycythemia
    • Mild Lymphopenia
  5. Disturbance of Reproductive Functions
    • Amenorrhea (Irregular Menstruation in Females)
    • Impotence (in Males)

Hypoadrenalism ( Addison's Disease)
  - failure/destruction of adrenal cortex due to :
           a) Autoimmune disease
           b) T.B

  1. Metaboilic Changes ( due to cortisol deficiency)
    • Decreased BMR
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Failure of kidney diuresis
    • weakness of skeletal muscle
  2. Manifestation due to aldosterone deficiency
    • Excessive loss of Na in urine cause hypovolemia & hypotension
    • H retention lead to acidosis
    • hyperkalemia
  3. Pigmentation of the skin & mucous membranes
    • caused by direct action of ACTH on melanocytes 
    • More prominent in 
      • light expose areas (eg face , front of neck, back of hands)
      • Pressure points ( eg Back of trunk, elbow, front of knee)
  4. Gastrointestinal Symptoms
    • anorexia, nausea,vomiting,diarrhea
  5. Addisonian crisis
    • Patient are exposed to stress ( eg trauma, illness, surgery), thus patient can't tolerate with it, and falls severely ill, weakened & shocked
    • Treatment 
      • Saline infusion
      • High doses of cortisol & aldosterone
      • Eliminate the stress

Adrenogenital Syndrome

  - Tumour of adrenal cortex that secretes excessive amounts of androgens

  1. In females
    • Virilism (Adult)
      • appearance of male secondary sex characters
      • Characterized by :
        • hirsutism
        • deepness of voice
        • amenorrhea
        • hypertrrophy of clitoris with atrophy of external genitalia
    • Pseudo-Hermaphroditism (before Puberty)
      • born with genetic constitution and gonads of females butt with external genitalia of males
      • signs of virilism develop later in life
  2. In Males
    • Precocious pseudo-puberty( males before Puberty)
      • early development of male secondary sex characteristic without testicular growth
    • No affect (Adult)